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The National Literacy Strategy Grammar for Writing

Doctoral students have often requested concrete examples and guidelines from us. On the other hand, many guidebooks are at a more general level than the requested instruction. Ideally, adequate guidance would be conducted by a supervising professor, or a research group, but this is not always the case. This guidebook attempts to provide tangible tips that have been identified as beneficial for writing articles. Once someone tries to concretise the process of writing they are also easier to criticise. Learning to write journal articles is, however, not a black and white issue where there are absolute rights and wrongs. Being...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Verbs in the Written English of Chinese Learners: A Corpus-based Comparison between Non-native Speakers and Native Speakers

This guidebook on how to write scientific journal articles is mostly based on the authors’ personal experiences and their own learning curve towards successful publication. This guidebook includes examples from over fifty journal publication attempts, most of which have eventually been successful. Aside from their own writing experience, the authors have also learned from various other people representing different fields through guiding them in the writing and publishing of journal articles. Currently, the authors provide hands-on guidance and disseminate knowledge and best practices relating to scientific writing through all the faculties in the University of Oulu, Finland. The work...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


We, the authors, have been in the grateful position of being able to support numerous doctoral students in their attempts to publish a scientific journal article. Through this experience, we have been able to deepen our own knowledge of how to write a scientific article. We would like to thank all the doctoral students we have guided for the chance to share in their learning. We would also like to thank Dr Harry Anttila, the Director of the Language Centre of the University of Oulu, for constructive cooperation. We would especially like to thank the Language Centre Working...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

A Plain English Handbook How to create clear SEC disclosure documents

Being capable of publishing in peer-reviewed journals is commonly seen as an indicator of proper scientific research. It is the duty of a researcher to publish his results for the scientific community. Research can be seen as a product that must be sold to the target audience in the form of an article. In other words, research results do not exist before they are successfully published. The key people for getting one’s article accepted for publication are the editor-in-chief, editor, and reviewers. After publication, a well-written article will attract readers, eventually resulting in a scientific impact defined by whether other...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Writing Theory and Practice in the Second Language Classroom: A Selected Annotated Bibliography

Often, researchers make the mistake of believing that writing an article is a separate phase to be done after completing the entire research. We recommend that researchers start writing much sooner. From the effectiveness perspective, it is not wise to wait for a moment when you feel that you know and understand “everything” needed for writing articles. It is more sensible to start learning to write piece-by-piece, better enabling the perception of what to do and when, and thus aiding the avoidance of unnecessary work. Understanding of the studied matter is enhanced while working on it. Starting the writing process...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

A History of Writing one of the earliest examples of writing, a 4th millennium tablet from Uruk, lists sacks of grain and heads of cattle

As writing articles is learned best through gaining writing experience, it is worth initiating the learning process by making written notes of any ideas and documenting research processes and initial results. This way you will generate text that can potentially be utilised later for articles, or at least you will gain writing experience. In addition, by writing down thoughts, initial conclusions and suchlike, a researcher can better identify gaps in his thinking. It is beneficial to have publishing in mind already while conducting experiments. However, it is the results that will define the focus of the final article...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

How to improve your academic writing

A researcher may be under the illusion that his research will sell itself more or less automatically. On the contrary, it is the duty of an author to write an article so that an outsider can understand the main points and the reasoning logic with relative ease. Your article competes against other submitted article proposals. The decision on acceptance is not done based only on the article substance, but the readability of the article also matters. Consequently, an article must have a clear and logical structure combined with fluent story-telling. An article must be as appealing as possible for...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

.Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students

Seeking for feedback is vital for learning and putting together a good article. This is one of the main reasons why it is recommended for researchers to cooperate closely. This cooperation can mean either writing together, or commenting on the text written by others. From the perspective of effectiveness, it is important to ask for feedback on small increments and as frequently as possible. This way the feedback is more precise and easier to utilise. You should start seeking for comments already at the stage when you only have an initial idea for an article. This can be done,...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners

It is beneficial to decide on a target journal during the very early stages of writing an article, rather than first preparing an article and then considering where to send it. Analyse potential journals and choose one. Write your article with your target journal in mind. This is useful because different journals have different perceptions of science as well as differing opinions on how articles ought to be written. By writing directly for your target journal, you will ensure the right type of approach and speed up your writing process. If you wish to be even wiser, you may also...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Comparison between students’ academic performance and their abilities in written English language skills: A Tanzanian perspective

The number of scientific journals is vast and is growing steadily, which means that there are plenty of publishing opportunities. The fundamental reason behind the growing number of journals is the increasing number of researchers globally. Quite often you can hear researchers complaining that there are no scientific journals for their specific narrow research field. Most often this is not true. Journals exist for wide and varying topical fields. Should you find it difficult to find a suitable one, try considering potential applications for your results. Consequently, think who might benefit of your results and how. It may also...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


Noteworthy is that different publication mediums are valued differently within the scientific community. Also, universities are ranked based on the number and level of publications. Journal articles are commonly recognised above conference papers, even if many of the conference publications use peer review practices. It is recommended that a researcher, even at early stages, should start the learning process of writing for journals. Once experience is gained, one should raise his ambition level step-by-step and aim towards publishing in increasingly better journals. The impact factor is one way to measure the level of journals (see e.g., Seglen, 1997; Garfield, 2006;...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

INDIAN WRITING IN ENGLISH Paper-VIII (Option-i) Section C & D M.A. English (Final)

When selecting your target journal it is beneficial to conduct an analysis of the purpose and mission of the journal, and examine what type of articles they typically publish. Pay special attention on the topics, the structure and the research methods. Conduct a deeper analysis on about five recent articles in the target journal. If the journal does not seem suitable, choose another one and conduct a similar analysis. Browse through the editorial board and previous authors and pay attention to their nationalities. For a European author, it may be beneficial if some of the authors and editorial board...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Guidelines for Writing English Language Technical Documentation for an International Audience

The order of writing presented here highlights the importance of your results for defining the focus of your article. You should define the focus of your article based on the evidence you have. This way you can set the focus of your article relatively early and avoid unnecessary re-working when writing up the theory and other elements of the text. It is sensible to start writing an article by outlining the subject matter and content by a few bullet points or key words. This phase will act later as an aid in writing the introduction. After outlining the...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


There are a lot of writing guides available which provide advice on the structure of proposed articles. One example is the commonly known IMRAD (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion) structure (see e.g., Swales, 1990, Sharp, 2002; Freeman, 2000). The terminology may differ somewhat, as for example in the IMRAD scheme the literature review is integrated into the Introduction section, however, the above list presents the literature review separately. Also, discussion, which D stands for in IMRAD, is the same as conclusions in the above list. Discussion in the above list covers the interpretation of the result by the researcher. This...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Improving Fourth Grade Students’ Writing Skills With 6+1 Traits of Writing and Writer’s Workshop

This study explores the implementation of two contemporary approaches to teaching writing, Writer’s Workshop and 6+1 Traits of Writing. The purpose of the study was to help fourth grade students become proficient writers both in their descriptive writing content and in their written mechanics. The study also compares the transfer of written skills using these approaches versus the commonly taught Daily Oral Language process and grammatical textbook activities. Throughout the study, students were actively involved in many hands-on writing activities. The lessons encouraged students to engage in discussions about their writing, as opposed to...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

English K-6 Modules

Teaching language as an activity is important especially where learners lack the expected writing proficiency. In Andhra Pradesh, it has been observed that many ESL learners at class IX level, especially those from regional medium schools do not have the required writing proficiency. This could be because of several factors such as inadequate writing practice in the classroom, poor vocabulary, examination oriented writing, teacher- dictated writing, lack of exposure to English, lack of a homogenous English speaking community, limited reading habits and so on. In spite of learning English for about four to five years and still being unable...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


The need for the present research, ‘Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories as Tools at the High School Level: The Movement from Other Regulation to Self Regulation’, emerges from the researcher’s B. Ed Project in which it was noticed that learners in regional medium schools struggle to write in English. It was observed that the only kind of writing these learners are used to is copying notes from the blackboard or guide books or taking down teacher dictated notes with numerous errors. The researcher’s objective is to identify the learners’ areas of difficulty in writing and help them to...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Using Dialogue Journals to Improve Writing for English Language Learners

Considering the vital importance of writing skill in ESL studies, it is highly desirable that learners of English in our schools and colleges have the required level of proficiency in this field. However, the glaring truth is that majority of students at High School level in vernacular medium schools through out the country have a very poor proficiency level in writing. This has been studied and recorded by many research scholars from various parts of the country. With respect to Andhra Pradesh, this is a known fact that the learners of regional medium schools are in a pathetic condition...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

College Writing Skills with Readings Seventh Edition

Writing is a skill, and like other skills, it has to be acquired. Writing is important to convey ideas, give instructions, share and preserve knowledge and so on. Although writing is very important, in most cases, it is never considered as an important skill. Writing is not just about using correct spelling, organizing words and ideas and following grammar, it is much more than that.Widdowson (1978) describes writing as the use of the visual medium to manifest the graphological and grammatical system of the language. Flower (1985) in an interesting comment on the skills of reading...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

English Writing Skills REVIEW Lenoir Community College, Kinston, NC

Bacon (1989) rightly said, “Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”. Writing is an important medium and it is used for different purposes. Writing performs many functions in a person’s day to day life in different areas like academic, official, media, social, cultural and personal settings. Communication to a major extent is carried on through the medium of writing – personal correspondence, telegrams, circulars, reports, memos, minutes of meetings, instructions, email messages, assessment reports, project reports etc. Knowing writing is important to access journals, magazines, books, bills, letters, etc. ...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

A teacher's guide to interference and other problems

The writing of second language learners of English often presents problems that are different from those found in the writing of native English speaking students. These include culturally conditioned rhetorical patterns that sound ‘strange’ to the native speaker ear as well as unfamiliar grammatical errors that are simply not found in native speaker writing. Teachers with little or no training regarding how to provide feedback on second language writing often find it difficult to decide whether to start correcting all errors (which often results in crossing out and rewriting entire blocks of sentences) or to leave the errors untouched because there are simply too many of them. Neither...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Learning to teach writing through tutoring and journal writing

The potential benefits of tutoring for pre-service teachers in various content areas are well documented in a number of studies (see, for example, Ryan & Robinson, 1990, Fresko, 1999; Hedrick, 1999). Tutoring can lead to an increased sense of accom- plishment and self-esteem, better mastery of academic skills, increased ability to apply and integrate knowledge taught in different courses and a broader, more real- istic outlook on the process of teaching and learning. Working one-on-one with a student often has the effect of substantially reducing pre-service teachers’ fear of confronting a class and enables them to tailor instruction to the specific needs of the student. For students, advantages of...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

The Future of English? A guide to forecasting the popularity of the english language in the 21st century

Journal writing is a technique that has been promoted by educators in many fields, including nursing, counseling and management, as a means of facilitating reflective practice and stimulating critical thinking (for a review see Bain et al., 1999). In the field of teacher education reflection is widely acknowledged and promoted as a criti- cal element in the professional development of teachers (Zeichner, 1992; Calderhead & Gates, 1993). Using teaching and learning journals as a tool for self-reflection by pre- and in-service teachers has been well documented in many studies (see, for example, Zeichner, 1987; Rosenthal, 1991; Wilson et al., 1995; Dart et al., 1998; Bain et...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Letter Writing in English

The current paper examines the journal entries and class discussions of 12 pre-service teachers who were enrolled on a writing methods course that I have been teaching as part of an ESL teacher preparation program for the last 5 years. Students take this three credit course as an elective toward a master’s program in Instructional Systems Development with concentration on ESL/Bilingual Education. The program consists of 36 hours on ESL methodologies, cross-cultural communication, second language acquisition, assessment and evaluation and instructional systems design. The pre- service teachers were assessed based on their weekly assignments, journals on tutor- ing, a final examination and class participation. In addition, each pre-service...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


Thus, rather than merely being an exercise of redactive skills, writing enhances one’s ability to ‘see’ by enabling the writer to abstract and objectify his/her understandings from his/her concrete involvements (Ong, 1982). For the pre-service teachers of this study, tutoring an ESL student in writing and reflecting on that experience through the maintenance of journals were designed as experiences that would provide them with opportunities to critically examine ways in which ESL learners develop writing skills in English. In addition, it was hoped that the tutoring and reflection would help these new teachers to evaluate their various roles as writers, learners and teachers. In this paper I attempt...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


As can be seen in Table 1, the pre-service teachers had diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. 2 Selection of the pre-service teachers, while not designed to be representative, provided a broad student teacher perspective on issues related to teaching ESL writing. The participants represented a diverse set of backgrounds and experiences. Seven were native English speakers. Five were second language speakers of English, with Korean, French and Portuguese as their first language backgrounds. While two teach- ers had some limited experience teaching writing to high school students and adults, the others basically had no experience in teaching writing. The students, all of whom were adult English language learners, also had...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

A Guide to Naturalization

The pre-service teachers in the writing methods course learned about the history of writing instruction and writing theories, writers’ workshops and the use of various types of journals. They were also introduced to the role of literature and methods for integrating oral skills into literacy instruction. In addition to these materials, I reviewed sample ESL student essays to illustrate techniques for providing feedback on student writing. These techniques included reviewing student writing for content and organization, determining which grammatical errors to address based on the communicative importance of the errors, conducting mini grammar lessons and training students to self-correct and think critically about their writing. In class the pre-service...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

English Writing Skills

An analysis of the journals revealed that the teachers experimented quite freely with different teaching styles. Sometimes, they were very direct in giving students instruc- tions on how to revise their drafts. At other times they were more open to student input and negotiation of meaning. While this might be the result of an absence of a clear plan for managing the sessions due, perhaps, to a lack of experience in teaching writing, it may also be an indication of the teachers’ ability to continually make adjust- ments to their teaching based on student reactions—a highly desired attribute in teachers. Consider the following excerpt in which one teacher...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00


During this tutoring session I somehow felt like that teacher who was wondering whether he was being fair to his students and fair to himself since he was only ‘listening’. In effect, all I did this time was to ask Christine what the assignment was about, what she liked about her pieces of writing, what she was not too pleased with, and how she thought she could make some parts ‘better’. That’s right, it all developed smoothly, and Christine simply (almost naturally) answered my questions and automatically did the necessary changes as we went along. (Richard) Overall, these teachers seem to have come to recognize that teaching...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00

Support Materials and Exercises for WRITING LETTERS

Initially, almost all of the teachers reported feeling overwhelmed by the number of non-native errors in their students’ writing and by not knowing where to begin in providing their feedback. Over time a few teachers found it helpful to focus on a few major issues, and the tutoring journals reflect their decision-making process about what to work on with their students and how much time to spend. Because they received training in the methods course about how to identify two or three significant problems to address in their students’ writing per session, these entries are useful as indicators of the pre-service teachers’ integration of course knowledge with...

8/30/2018 3:28:28 AM +00:00