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Specifc coping strategies moderate the link between emotion expression defcits and nonsuicidal self-injury in an inpatient sample of adolescents

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a behavior of increasing prevalence in adolescents with links to various negative mental health and adjustment outcomes. Poor emotion expression has been linked with NSSI use, whereas the use of adaptive coping strategies has been identified as a protective factor against NSSI.

1/13/2020 5:44:07 AM +00:00

Effect of a mental health training programme on Nigerian school pupils’ perceptions of mental illness

Stigmatizing attitudes and discriminatory behaviour towards persons with mental illness are known to start in childhood. In Nigeria, it is not unusual to see children taunting persons with mental illness. This behaviour continues into adulthood as evidenced by the day-to-day occurrences in the community of negative attitudes and social distance from persons with mental illness.

1/13/2020 5:43:47 AM +00:00

Prevalence and correlates of ADHD among adolescents in a Beirut community sample: Results from the BEI-PSY Study

This study aims to investigate the prevalence, correlates and treatment seeking behavior related to ADHD among adolescents from Lebanon.

1/13/2020 5:43:28 AM +00:00

Prevalence and associated factors of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among Ugandan children: A cross-sectional study

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder among the children. The burden of ADHD or its associated factors in Uganda are not known. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and the associated factors of ADHD among children attending the neurology and psychiatry clinics at Mulago National Referral Hospital.

1/13/2020 5:43:11 AM +00:00

GOLIAH (Gaming Open Library for Intervention in Autism at Home): A 6-month single blind matched controlled exploratory study

To meet the required hours of intensive intervention for treating children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we developed an automated serious gaming platform (11 games) to deliver intervention at home (GOLIAH) by mapping the imitation and joint attention (JA) subset of age-adapted stimuli from the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) intervention.

1/13/2020 5:42:49 AM +00:00

Effect of attention-deficit– hyperactivity-disorder training program on the knowledge and attitudes of primary school teachers in Kaduna, North West Nigeria

There are indications that teachers have limited knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), despite its high prevalence in childhood and its long-term effects on students such as academic underachievement, reduced self-esteem, and social and behavioural difficulties.

1/13/2020 5:42:30 AM +00:00

Identifying cross-cultural variations in psychostimulant use for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder using linked data

To validate the association between country-of-birth and disparities in the stimulant use for ADHD among individuals in Western Australia.

1/13/2020 5:42:12 AM +00:00

Who seeks child and adolescent mental health care in Kenya? A descriptive clinic profile at a tertiary referral facility

The presence of psychiatric morbidity in the child and adolescent age group is demonstrable in various studies conducted in various settings in Kenya. This study set out to determine the psychiatric morbidity and socio-demographic profile of patients who eventually present for care at a tertiary specialist child and adolescent mental health clinic in Kenya.

1/13/2020 5:41:54 AM +00:00

Body image drawings dissociate ethnic differences and anorexia in adolescent girls

To distinguish between ethnic differences among segregated schoolgirls and restrictive anorexia nervosa using a simple culture-fair test of body image (BI) figure drawings.

1/13/2020 5:41:38 AM +00:00

Risk and protective factors for mental health problems in preschool-aged children: Cross-sectional results of the BELLA preschool study

Mental health problems (MHPs) in preschoolers are precursors of mental disorders which have shown to be associated with suffering, functional impairment, exposure to stigma and discrimination, as well as enhanced risk of premature death.

1/13/2020 5:41:14 AM +00:00

The link between infant regulatory problems, temperament traits, maternal depressive symptoms and children’s psychopathological symptoms at age three: A longitudinal study in a German at-risk sample

The present study investigated the extent of regulatory problems in 6-month-old infants and their link to temperamental traits and impact on externalizing and internalizing problems at 36 months.

1/13/2020 5:40:47 AM +00:00

Relations of mother’s sense of coherence and childrearing style with child’s social skills in preschoolers

We examined the relationships between mothers’ sense of coherence (SOC) and their child’s social skills development among preschool children, and how this relationship is mediated by mother’s childrearing style.

1/13/2020 5:40:26 AM +00:00

Self-reported frequency of sex as self-injury (SASI) in a national study of Swedish adolescents and association to sociodemographic factors, sexual behaviors, abuse and mental health

Sex as self-injury has become a concept in Swedish society; however it is a largely unexplored area of research, not yet conceptualized and far from accepted in the research field. The use of sex as a way of affect regulation is known in the literature and has, in interviews with young women who sell sex, been compared to direct selfinjury, such as cutting or burning the skin.

1/13/2020 5:40:06 AM +00:00

Prevalence of depressive symptoms among schoolchildren in Cyprus: A cross-sectional descriptive correlational study

Depressive symptoms in the young constitute a public health issue. The current study aims to estimate: (a) the frequency of depressive symptoms in a sample of final grade elementary-school children in Cyprus, (b) the association among frequency of depressive symptoms, gender and nationality and, (c) the metric properties of the Greek-Cypriot version of the children’s depression inventory (CDI).

1/13/2020 5:39:44 AM +00:00

Diagnostic profiles and predictors of treatment outcome among children and adolescents attending a national psychiatric hospital in Botswana

Attention is currently being drawn to child psychiatric care, most especially in the developed countries. This type of care is still rudimentary in the developing countries. Botswana is one of the African countries with good health care services but mental illness is given the low priority.

1/13/2020 5:39:23 AM +00:00

Prevalence of psychiatric disorders, comorbidity patterns, and repeat offending among male juvenile detainees in South Korea: A cross-sectional study

High rates of psychiatric disorders and comorbidities have been reported in juvenile detainees, and both phenomena are thought to contribute to repeat offending. However, research on this topic has been limited in Asian countries, like South Korea.

1/13/2020 5:39:03 AM +00:00

Temperament and character traits in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder

Temperament and character traits of adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder (NSSI) might differentiate those- with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder (BPD).

1/13/2020 5:38:42 AM +00:00

Distinct profiles of reactive and proactive aggression in adolescents: Associations with cognitive and affective empathy

Aggression comprises a heterogeneous set of behavioral patterns that aim to harm and hurt others. Empathy represents a potential mechanism that inhibits aggressive conduct and enhances prosocial behavior. Nevertheless, research results on the relationship between empathy and aggression are mixed.

1/13/2020 5:38:19 AM +00:00

Overdiagnosis of mental disorders in children and adolescents (in developed countries)

During the past 50 years, health insurance providers and national registers of mental health regularly report significant increases in the number of mental disorder diagnoses in children and adolescents.

1/13/2020 5:37:57 AM +00:00

Marital relationship, parenting practices, and social skills development in preschool children

This study examined the pathways by which destructive and constructive marital confict leading to social skills development in preschool children, are mediated through negative and positive parenting practices.

1/13/2020 5:37:39 AM +00:00

Evaluation of the effectiveness of an online transition planning program for adolescents on the autism spectrum: Trial protocol

This paper describes a trial protocol for evaluating the Better OutcOmes & Successful Transitions for Autism (BOOST-A™); an online interactive program that empowers adolescents on the autism spectrum to plan their transition from school to further study, training, or employment.

1/13/2020 5:37:15 AM +00:00

Characteristics of adolescents frequently restrained in acute psychiatric units in Norway: A nationwide study

The use of restraints in adolescent psychiatric settings requires particular professional, ethical, and legal considerations. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the number of restraint episodes per patient was related to any of several characteristics of the adolescents.

1/13/2020 5:36:56 AM +00:00

A preliminary study of movement intensity during a Go/No-Go task and its association with ADHD outcomes and symptom severity

At present, there are no well-validated biomarkers for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The present study used an infrared motion tracking system to monitor and record the movement intensity of children and to determine its diagnostic precision for ADHD and its possible associations with ratings of ADHD symptom severity.

1/13/2020 5:36:35 AM +00:00

Treating nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents: Consensus based German guidelines

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a frequent and clinically relevant phenomenon in adolescence. Within Europe, Germany has one of the highest prevalence rates in youth with lifetime prevalence ranging between 25 and 35%. However, treatment guidelines for NSSI are not yet available.

1/13/2020 5:36:13 AM +00:00

Prevalence and factors associated with depression symptoms among school‑going adolescents in Central Uganda

Depression in adolescents constitutes a global public health concern. However, data on its prevalence and associated factors are limited in low income countries like Uganda.

1/13/2020 5:35:54 AM +00:00

The student resilience survey: Psychometric validation and associations with mental health

Policies, designed to promote resilience, and research, to understand the determinants and correlates of resilience, require reliable and valid measures to ensure data quality.

1/13/2020 5:35:31 AM +00:00

Mental health problems in male young offenders in custodial versus community based-programs: Implications for juvenile justice interventions

Young offenders are known to be a population with high prevalence of mental health disorders. In most cases, these disorders are neither identified nor treated properly, with the majority of them being chronic and difficult to treat.

1/13/2020 5:35:08 AM +00:00

Emotional dysregulation and trauma predicting psychopathy dimensions in female and male juvenile offenders

Psychopathy is a specific syndrome that predicts future violent and aggressive behavior in adults. Studies in youth and adults have demonstrated a strong association between early traumatic incidents and later dissocial behavior.

1/13/2020 5:34:43 AM +00:00

Do post-trauma symptoms mediate the relation between neurobiological stress parameters and conduct problems in girls?

Attenuated activity of stress-regulating systems has consistently been reported in boys with conduct problems. Results in studies of girls are inconsistent, which may result from the high prevalence of comorbid posttrauma symptoms.

1/13/2020 5:34:22 AM +00:00

Do seriously offending girls differ from their age- and offence type-matched male counterparts on psychopathic traits or psychopathy-related background variables?

More research is needed to improve our understanding of the manifestation of psychopathic traits in violently offending girls. Our aim here was to assess psychopathic traits and psychopathy-related background variables in a Finnish nationwide consecutive sample of girls charged with violent crimes and referred to a pretrial forensic psychiatric examination.

1/13/2020 5:34:00 AM +00:00