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CAUSE AND EFFECT 1 1. A man is a ____________ . 2. In spring, animals search for____________ 3. Spiders and birds build_____________. 4. A roadrunner’s head ____________ straight in front when it runs 5. The Simplon ____________ goes under the Alps between Italy and Switzerland. 6. Being afraid to fly is an illogical____________ . 7. We heard a loud____________ and knew that there had been an accident. 8. Some people think baseball is_____________because it is so slow. 9. Would you b e ____________ to meet Frankenstein? 10. Most people only fly ____________ . D. True/False/No Information _________ 1. Some Eskimos are left-handed. _________ 2. Most right-handers do calculus with the left hemisphere of the brain. _________ 3. When people look at a beautiful sunset, most of them use the right hemisphere of the brain. _________ 4. The right hemisphere controls the right side of the body. _________ 5. Most people in the world use the left hemisphere for language. _________ 6. Left handedness can cause children to see letters backward. _________ 7. It is easier to write from left to right. _________ 8. Left-handed people are more intelligent than right-handers. straight (adj) calculus (n) brain (n) 146 [strcit] [`kit-`lkjules] [brcin] : thang :pliep tinli : nao AMISHMASH (A HODGEPODGE) E. Comprehension Questions 1. What does the right hemisphere of the brain control? 2. Which hemisphere is stronger in left-handed people? 3. Why do lefties prefer to kick with the left foot? 4. What problems do lefties have using machines? 5. When do some left-handers start to stutter? 6. Why do anthropologists think the earliest people were equally divided between left-and right-handedness? 7. Why did the Greeks start writing from left to right? 8. What does "you are in good company" mean? 9. How can you tell if a two-year-old child is left-handed? 10. Are you left-handed? F. Main Idea 1. What sentence is the main idea for paragraph 4 (lines 23-28)? 2. Paragraph 6 (lines 32-36)? 3. Write a sentence for the main idea in paragraph 9 (lines 53-62). 4. Write the main idea of the last paragraph. anthropologist (n) [tlcn0ro`polod3ist] : nlid nlidn cluing hoc 147 CAUSE AND EFFECT WORD STUDY A. Word Forms Verb 1. communicate 2. exist 3. prefer 4. divide 5. force 6. 7. respond 8 permit 9. Noun communications^) existence preference division force response permission permit reality Adjective (un)communicative (nonexistent (un)preferential (indivisible forceful (un)common (un)responsive (im)permissible permissive (un)real Adverb forcefully (un)commonly (im)pcrmissibly really la. There have been many wonderful developments in the field o f________ in the last 20 years. 1b. I tried to get the information from the president’s secretary, but she was very. 2. Frank told everyone he worked for a large company, but the company is 3a. Professors should not give treatment to the students they like 3b. Short jackets, not long coats, are_____________by skiers. 4. Ten is not evenly_____________ by three. 5a. Ms. Bush has a very_______________ personality. 5b. John w as________to leave the university because his grades were so bad. 6. It is_____________ believed that sons are better than daughters. 7. The injured person___________to the doctor`s treatment. She is well now. 8a. Some psychologists say that adults should not be_______ with their children. 8b. You cannot build a house in this city without a building____________ . 8c. Smoking_____________ not______________in this building 9. It seem ed_____________ to Abdullah that he had finally finished his doctorate degree and was going home. existence (n) reality (n) treatment (n) grade (n) doctorate (n) 148 [ig`zistens] [ ri :`aeliti] [’tri`tmont] [greid] [ doktont] : stf ton ta i : s i( tlitfc : s u d o i s u : d ie m : h o c vi Hen s i A MISHMASH (A HODGEPODGE) B. Finding the Reason Write the reason for each statement. Statement Reason 1. Many left-handers have to use their right hand. 2. For some people, the center of language is in the right hemisphere. 3. Both sides of the body receive the same information. 4. Lefties prefer kicking with the left foot. 5. King George VI stuttered. 6. Anthropologists think more than 50 percent of people were right-handed by 3500 B.c. 7. Paul McCartney plays the guitar differently. C. Connecting Words Put after, before, when, since, or until in the blanks. 1. I`ll give you the book____________ I see you tomorrow. 2. People who are afraid of flying can control their fear____________ they take a class. 3. Greenpeace has been inexistence_____________1971. 4. Greenpeace was organized_____________the U.S. started nuclear testing in Alaska. 5. Sometimes_____________ the roadrunner gets a piece of meat, it takes it back to its nest. 6. There were no skyscrapers_____________1884. 7. Burke started across Australia, he organized an expedition. 8. Some left-handed European children were forced to write with their right hands_____________the 1950s. D. Missing Words Fill in the missing words. 1. If you are, you are one _____________millions in ______________world _____________prefer______________use their left hand. 2. understand left-handedness, it is necessary _____________ look the brain. 149 CAUSE AND EFFECT 3. The brain_____________divided_____________ two hemispheres. 4. Both sides of _____________ body receive the same information __________ the brain because both hemispheres______________connected. 5. There is____________ increasing amount _____________ research _____________handedness. 6. But ____________ 3500 B.c, the tools, which _____________ better designed, were for use_____________only one hand. 7. the centuries passed and education spread_________ more levels_________ society, more and_________people becam e_____________ 8. But ________ worry _____________ you are left-handed. You are _____________good company. E. Context Clues 1. A computer is a very complex machinc. a. beautiful b. boring c. complicated 2. Ali said he was from Palestine, but he was actually bom in Qatar, a. preferably b. maybe c. really 3. The members of Greenpeace discuss a protest to get each other`s ideas, a. talk about b. prepare c. publish 4. Pierre has studied English for 3 months so far. He plans to study for 6 more. a. until now b. away from home c. altogether 5. In rain forests, dead plants create nutrients for living plants, a. take away b. make c. prevent 6. Most children think video games are fascinating. They spend hours playing them. a. very boring b. very interesting c. unpleasant complex (adj) actually (adv) discuss (v) so far (adv) fascinate (v) 150 [`komplcks] [`icktjuoli] [dis`kAs] [sou fa:] [’fxsincit] : plurc tap : cliinli xdc : lluio liian : den nay : t/iu hut, toi cuon ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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